you can buy (and give away) my art sparkles

This is the newest postcard in my web shop. I made it to remind myself of the fact that life is short and fast. I want to treat it and live like the precious thing it is.
As an artist I try to create moments of light, hope and joy, which I call Art Sparkles. Postcards seem to embody my concept of the Art Sparkles the most. And so the Happy Art Cards were born. You can get yourself one or send them to family and friends. People love to get real mail in their real mailbox. A postcard is always a little gift, a sparkle in your day.
By the way: from every sold card 1 euro goes to hope bringing causes in the world. For now that is War Child. So if you buy a Happy Art Card, you send a sparkle to yourself, a loved one and to some one else somewhere in the world, who will get a chance to a better life.